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Jeffrey Robinson

Jeffrey Robinson, Rutgers University-Newark Interim Chancellor

Interim Chancellor
Rutgers University-Newark

Jeffrey A. Robinson, Ph.D. is an award-winning author, business school professor, and higher education administrator. He currently serves as Provost & Executive Vice-Chancellor of Rutgers University-Newark.Beginning on July 1, 2024, Dr. Robinson will be the Interim Chancellor of Rutgers University-Newark. Dr. Robinson’s faculty appointment is at Rutgers Business School where he is the Prudential Chair in Business. At RBS, he has served as the Academic Director of The Center for Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development and Director of Special Programs at the Rutgers Advanced Institute for the Study of Entrepreneurship & Development.

Through his research, academic leadership and community activities he makes direct impacts corporate workplaces, entrepreneurs andeconomic development policy in the state of New Jersey and beyond.

Emerging from his pioneering research, the New Jersey Social Entrepreneurship Institute and the CUEED Pipeline to Inclusive Innovation are national and international models for economic development and social problem solving using entrepreneurial approaches. He led research on four National Science Foundation funded research projects related to inclusive innovation including the GEM Inclusion in Innovation Initiative (GEM i4).

Dr. Robinson is the author of many articles and books on the topics of management, entrepreneurship and workforce diversity. He is the co-author along with Dr. Randal Pinkett of Black Faces in White Places: 10 Game-Changing Strategies to Achieve Success and Find Greatness (published by Harper Collins Leadership). In 2022, he and Dr. Pinkett released the award-winning Black Faces in High Places: 10 Strategic Actions for Black Professionals to Reach the Top and Stay There (also published by Harper Collins Leadership). He is the co-creator of the Redefine the Game Institute, based on these books, a management-level education and career advancement program designed for Black business professionals and community leaders.

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